Austria - Workshop Fact vs. Fake

  • Christoph Kaindel profile
    Christoph Kaindel
    15 March 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Thursday, 21 March, 2019 - 11:45 to 16:15
BORG Henriettenplatz
Henriettenplatz 6
1150 Vienna

The students learn, how they can critically evaluate the quality of news from different sources. Furthermore they practice digital tools to uncover manipulated photos or videos. In the second part of the workshop they write and publish their own articles for various media actors. Thus they understand under which circumstances content is produced and how media realities can differ. The 4 hour workshop is interactive and follows the motto „learning by doing".

A workshop by "Digitaler Kompass – Institut für  Nachrichtenkompetenz und digitale Bildung", sponsored by "Drei Hilft".