Austria - STANDPUNKT - Quality of Information

  • Christoph Kaindel profile
    Christoph Kaindel
    28 February 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 1
Date & time: 
Monday, 25 March, 2019 - 10:00 to 12:00
ORF Radiokulturhaus
Argentinierstrasse 30a
1040 Vienna

The media literacy initiative STANDPUNKT is a series of panel discussions where young people (students, 14yrs+) discuss current topics relevant to their lives with a group of experts. The discussions are broadcasted on Schülerradio (students´ radio) in three parts. STANDPUNKT is a joint project of ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

What is „information”, and what does „quality of information” mean? We receive different kinds of information all the time – from other people, from bots, from the news and through our impressions. Different recipients understand pieces of information differently. Can „objective” data be interpreted in various ways? How can we filter relevant facts and messages out of the constant stream of information? How can we decode hidden messages? How can we develop methods to recognize and counter disinformation?

Panel guests:

  • Erich Neuwirth, associate Prof. (ret.), University of Vienna, teaches computer science, statistics, mathematics, significance of opinion polls
  • Katharina Schell, member of the chief editorial board of APA (austrian press agency), digital innovation researcher, media journalist
  • Marianne Korner, AECC Physik (Austrian Educational Competence Centre Physics), research on evaluation, strategies of motivation, survey design
  • Mark Coeckelbergh, Prof. of philosophy of media and technology, University of Vienna; Prof. of technology and social responsibility, Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, De Montfort University, UK – invited