Young students ask questions like these regarding AI

  • Norbert JASTROCH profile
    Norbert JASTROCH
    18 September 2019
    Total votes: 0

A group of 16/17 year old high school students at Gymnasium am Mosbacher Berg in Wiesbaden were doing a project on AI in their politics & economics course. Part of it was a half-an-hour expert interview. These are the questions they raised, in English transcription and uncommented.

„(1) What exactly did you do in the European Commission's Alliance on AI?

(2) How would you, in your view, describe or explain AI?

(3) Do you yourself use AI, as for example Alexa or similar, and do you trust in such systems?

(4) Are companies like Google, Apple and the like already too big, do they, with their comprehensive surveillance and data storing, go too far, or are there, in your opinion, sufficient rules and reglementations regarding AI in place?

(5) How would you estimate AI will look like in the future, how close will it come to our human thinking? Will AI be able to completely imitate humans?

(6) Amazon is currently working to make Alexa express emotions. Up to which point shall AI take control of things, when will the limit be reached?

(7) The CEO of the company OpenAI, Sam Altmann, in 2015 said in a conference 'AI will probably set out for the end of the world, but until then there will come up a number of great companies'. Could AI, for example, be of relevance in a war or, to put it sharply, even trigger a third world war?“