Tech solutions for Privacy Compliance and Data Governance

  • Francesca TERNULLO profile
    Francesca TERNULLO
    20 April 2019
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Friday, 10 May, 2019 - 08:30 to 18:30
Italian Chamber of Commerce
Via Meravigli 7, Milan,
20123 Milan MI
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More information

Sweet Legal Tech is an organization providing lawyers, both in-house and in private practice, with an opportunity to learn and apply the most advanced technologies shaping the evolution of the legal profession. Their mission is to shape and train the new Legal Professionals of the future.

This module will focus on the most important tools to manage privacy-related aspects of a business, including compliance, how to foster digital transformation within the organization and how to develop multi-channel strategies to enrich its information-asset.