SIENNA project on Ethics of AI - Draft reports on State-of-the-Art and Ethical Codes and Guidelines in EU and internationally

  • Philip BREY profile
    Philip BREY
    7 November 2018
    Total votes: 2

The SIENNA project is a 4M euro H2020 project with is focused in large part on the ethical and human rights analysis of Artificial Intelligence and the development of ethical guidelines for AI, in collaboration with committed stakeholders, including IEEE, ACM, EURobotics, Council of Europe, UNESCO and many other partners.  SIENNA has created an alliance with two other H2020 projects, SHERPA and PANELFIT, that also have a focus on ethical and human rights analysis of AI (SHERPA focusing on smart big data in particular, and PANELFIT on privacy and security issues), with a shared commitment to develop converging ethical analyses and shared ethical guidelines.

For the information of the HLEG, we hereby include two draft documents (not approved by the EC yet) that contain (1) a state-of-the-art overview of AI, along with present and projected future applications and social impacts, and an evaluation of these impacts; (2) an overview and analysis of ethics codes and protocols for AI in EU member states as well as internationally. 

We are currently working on a sustained ethical analysis of AI and resulting ethical guidelines.  We are consulting with several hundred stakeholders to this effect, we are doing an extensive foresight analysis, and we also run surveys of public opinion (11,000 people in 11 countries) and panels of citizens.