Reporting on AI - What annoys you the most?

  • Christian Simon profile
    Christian Simon
    16 August 2018
    Total votes: 3

This is a question to all, but specifically to the people in this forum actually building or researching "AI". When you read journalistic coverage of "AI", what are the most common mistakes you come across, what do you think is most often mischaracterized and what do Journalists get wrong most of the time? I am not talking about special interest magazines or university publications, but the reporting in standard, general interest newspapers, TV-stations or news websites. 

I am especially interested in the topic of Hype: Do you think Journalists fall for baseless hype too quickly? Or do they still underestimate the effect "AI" will have on our everyday lives? If you could change the coverage of the topic any way you wanted, what would it look like?