Over 500 comments received on the draft Ethical Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

  • Jola DERVISHAJ profile
    12 February 2019 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 2
Year of publication: 

The consultation on the draft Ethics Guidelines on Artificial Intelligence (AI) concluded on 1 February 2019 with over 500 comments received from a wide array of European and international stakeholders. The process had been launched with the presentation of the document by the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial intelligence (AI HLEG) on 18 December 2018.

During the consultation, organisations (including companies, civil society, trade associations and others), members of the academic and research community and individual European citizens had the possibility to submit extended comments on the distinct chapters as well as the document as a whole.

The following document includes the total of input received during the consultation process on the draft Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI. Reflecting the choice of participants with regard to the publication modality of comments, the document presents this input on an identified, anonymised or confidential basis.

Next Steps

All the comments received are currently being analysed and considered by the AI HLEG for the preparation of a revised version of the Ethics Guidelines that will be delivered to the European Commission by the beginning of April.

Background information

Following its European approach to AI published in April 2018, the Commission set up a High-Level Expert Group on AI, which consists of 52 independent experts representing academia, industry, and civil society. This first draft of the Ethics Guidelines was prepared through a number of meetings since June 2018 and takes into account feedback from many discussions through the European AI Alliance. It also follows the announcements of the EU coordinated plan with the Member States, the Declaration of Cooperation on AI and the proposed investment of at least €7 billion in AI research  from the Horizon Europe and Digital Europe programmes.