HLEG - Input Request: Business Impact

  • Ieva Martinkenaite profile
    Ieva Martinkenaite
    15 November 2018 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 2

Dear European AI alliance members,

Business Impact subgroup of AI HLEG is working on delivering recommendations to EC on how to ensure the uptake and acceleration of AI by European business.

Below is our proposed structure for delivery, based on 4 assumptions and fact-based knowledge:

  • 75% of European business does not apply AI;
  • 25% of European business apply AI but struggle to accelerate and scale;
  • Europe is behind other world powers in terms of home-grown AI unicorns and tech giants;
  • AI business uptake and acceleration is enabled by a dynamic interplay of ecosystem components.

We seek YOUR INPUT on the following 3 questions:

  1. What can European Commission (or Member States) do to enable uptake and acceleration of AI in European business? What are the priorities?
  2. What are the key components of enabling AI ecosystems? Can you give examples from industries, particularly, automotive, health, industrial machinery and finance?
  3. Are unicorns and tech companies important, and in what way?

Any other input on delivery structure or else on AI uptake in business across Europe is also welcome!

Thank you in advance!

Ieva & Loubna (co-rapporteurs, AI HLEG, Business Impact subgroup)


  • INTRODUCTION (focus: ambition level for Europe)
  • SECTION 1: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK (list of enablers for AI adopters, AI accelerators, Europe-born tech companies & unicorns, AI ecosystems)
  • SECTION 2: AI READINESS IN EUROPE (as-is situation in comparison to USA, China, Canada, etc. across 4 dimensions, ref. Section 1)
  • SECTION 3: AI UPTAKE DEEP DIVE (enablers & recommendations)
  • SECTION 4: AI ACCELERATION DEEP DIVE (enablers & recommendations)
  • SECTION 5: TECH COMPANIES and UNICORNS (enablers & recommendations)
  • SECTION 6: AI ECOSYSTEM DEEP DIVE (health ecosystem as use case; automotive / finance / industrial machinery selected for future deep-dive)
  • SECTION 7: RECOMMENDED ACTIONS (what and how, by whom, at which authority level, e.g., EU, Member States, regions)
  • CONCLUSION (focus: summary, networks of networks, KPIs to check progress)