Data Science & Law Forum - Responsible approaches to Artificial Intelligence

  • Kutterer CORNELIA profile
    Kutterer CORNELIA
    3 August 2018 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Thursday, 27 September, 2018 - 08:30 to 18:00
Microsoft Center
Rue Montoyer 51
1000 Brussels

The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is bringing unprecedented technological and legal complexity, triggering a convergence of traditional legal domains and challenging the application of basic legal principles.

As computational systems blur the lines between human and machine, a close dialogue among data scientists, legal experts and other disciplines is required to develop new digital strategies and evolve legal frameworks for society.  With experts from academia, legal practice, civil society and scientists, the Microsoft Data Science & Law Forum will explore in roundtables the various dimensions of AI: the twists AI will bring to the legal system; how it transforms competition, IP and liability; and the ethical demand to benefit mankind,  and for human understanding and oversight. With its broad implications, AI creates the need for a multi-disciplinary, multicultural approach to the practice of law.

As the EU reflects on its next generation digital strategy, we hope to collectively contribute to the adoption of responsible approaches to AI, based on an improved understanding of its legal implications.

Please find agenda, speaker and registration page by clicking on Data Science & Law Forum.