The Benelux as a living lab for AI

  • Michele Frongia profile
    Michele Frongia
    19 June 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Tuesday, 25 June, 2019 - 13:00 to 16:30
Benelux House
Regentschapsstraat 39
1000 Brussels

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Can the Benelux function as an AI laboratory for the rest of the EU by creating the right framework and accelerating the uptake of AI technologies?


The Benelux Secretariat-General invites you to participate in a discussion on how to make the Benelux a living lab for AI. This afternoon session will be moderated by VRT news anchor Wim De Vilder who will guide you through our panels consisting of AI experts from both government and industry.


The Benelux Union has set digital and AI as one of their priorities for this year. The event has been set up following a report conducted by Public First, supported by Google, on opportunities, challenges and recommendations for the Digital 9 countries (Benelux, UK, Ireland, Nordics and Estonia) and focuses on AI as key technology for the years to come. The closing remarks will be provided by Belgian acting Minister of the Digital Agenda Philippe De Backer.


13.00: Registration


13.30: Word of welcome by Thomas Antoine, Secretary General of the Benelux Union


13.35 - 14.15: Setting the scene:

1. AI video & introduction by Jorge Sáez Gómez, Founding Member & Director of Data Science, Connecterra

2. Introduction on AI by Chiara Tomasi, Public Policy Senior Analyst, Google Cloud

3. Introduction of AI report by Rachel Wolf, Founding Partner, Public First


14.15 - 14.30: Added value of regional cooperation by Jan Molema, Director Internal Market, Benelux Secretariat-General


14.30 - 14.45: Short break with coffee & tea


14.45 - 15.25: Panel 1: What should governments do to stimulate the uptake and use of AI?

Confirmed speakers: Max Gindt, attaché Ministry of State Luxembourg, Lucilla Sioli, Director for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Industry, DG CONNECT


15.25 - 15.35: “Should the next generation fear AI?” Pitch by Femke Cnossen, PhD candidate at University of Groningen


15.35 - 16.15:  Panel 2: What are the biggest business opportunities for the Benelux countries?

Confirmed speakers are Inge Janssen, Head of Public Affairs EMEA,, Pieter De Leenheer, Co-founder & Chief Science Officer of Collibra, Frank Roessig, FinTech Lead at Proximus and Thierry Geerts, Country Manager of Google Belgium and Luxembourg


16.15 - 16.30: Closing remarks by acting Minister of the Digital Agenda, Philippe De Backer


16.30: Reception


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