Scientific report on the mobility of cross-border workers within EU-27/EEA/EFTA Countries

  • Paulius Narvydas profile
    Paulius Narvydas
    13 February 2018 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 0
European Commission - DG Employment and social affairs
Year of publication: 

This scientific report was commissioned by European Commission DG Employment and Social Affairs (European Commission). It provides a literature review on the current trends and development on cross-border labour markets in Europe and outlines major data and findings on cross-border commuting. 41 European cross-border regions were covered in the study.

In total, almost a million people in the EU (including EEA/EFTA) are cross-border commuters. Commuting streams are clearly condensed in the area of Central-Western Europe.

The main countries of destination are Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and Belgium; together receiving about ¾ of all EU-commuters. The main countries of origin are France; Germany and Belgium, providing about 60% of all outcommuters in the EU.