Kick-off meeting of coordinators in macro-regional strategies dealing with social policies

  • Jörg Mirtl profile
    Jörg Mirtl
    16 July 2018 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 1
Date & time: 
Thursday, 20 September, 2018 - 14:00 to Friday, 21 September, 2018 - 14:00
Hotel Mercure
Zabotova street 2
811 04 Bratislava
Register URL: 

The meeting intends to bring together thematic coordinators from the four macro-regional strategies (MRS) dealing with social policies such as labour market issues, employment, social inclusion, or migration. It aims at fostering an exchange of experience across the four macro-regional strategies and

discuss cross-cutting issues, such as

  • Promotion of cooperation in the field of social policies
  • Alignment of funding to MRS
  • Strategic communication
  • Upcoming MFF

The ultimate aim of the meeting is to kick-off a sustained exchange among macro-regional coordinators, and bring together experts, funding sources, and policy makers. Many challenges in the social field know no borders, and territorial cohesion and inclusive growth are strongly interrelated. Moreover, new challenges have arisen that can be solved only jointly by the Member States and the European regions, be it migration, labour market issues or youth unemployment.

With regards to funding, networks of ESF Managing authorities have been established in the Baltic Sea region and in the Danube region. Moreover, 19 EU Member States envisage transnational calls within their ESF and many Interreg programmes support projects in the field of social affairs.