• Michał Tabor profile
    Michał Tabor
    11 October 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 2

The “PAPERLESS BUSINESS – Commercialisation of eID and Trust Services in Poland and Europe” report is another one in a series of widely available market reports on electronic identification and trust services produced by In 2017 two dedicated reports were developed: “eID Report – Electronic Identification in Poland” and “Breakthrough in On-line Services – Development of Trust Services in Poland”. Both documents formed a kind of a basic compendium of knowledge about this emerging market, explaining the basic terms, presenting the first applications in Poland and examining the issue in an international context. The reports showed that eID and trust services can be beneficial both in government administration, where remote identification of citizens and entrepreneurs was (and still is) a pathway towards effective delivery of e-services by the state, and in the commercial realm, where effective processes of customer onboarding or obtaining a client’s binding signature on a contract in a remote transaction are vital. The eIDAS Regulation, The eIDAS regulation that entered into force a year before, brought about the establishment of clear regulation of eID and trust services in the Polish legislation (through the implementation of the Act on trust services in 2016 and its subsequent amendment in 2018, which expanded the nomenclature in the Act to include electronic identification), as well as an increased interest in this market among solution providers, digital service providers, the end-users themselves, and in particular, businesses. As such, the present report will focus primarily on practical applications for such services. The first chapter features a map of Polish eID and trust service providers that enable the reader to look up the operators present on the Polish markets and the functions they perform on this market, i.e. current or prospective service providers, service recipients or integrators – interestingly, some operators, such as banks, can fulfill several functions at the same time.