More clarifications on Trust Services

  • Stella SKOWRONSKA profile
    17 November 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 4
Year of publication: 

Almost one and a half year has passed since the rules on Trust Services under eIDAS became applicable on 1 July 2016. From electronic signatures only, we now have a set of new trust services legally valid across the EU. This emerging market comes together with new questions that we have been clarifying along the way, and which we would now like to address in a systematic and consolidated manner.

The attached Q&As, builds therefore on the previous version of the document and includes all the questions we have received.With this updated set of Q&As we would like to address such issues as: How the provisions on trust services apply in cross-border situations; Whether the withdrawal of the qualified status affects the status and use of the QTSs and if yes, how. We also provide further clarifications on the methods of issuance of qualified certificates, as well as on provisions of national law setting out requirements in the QTSs area. Moreover, we have enriched the chapter of Q&As on the transitional measures and added information on some useful tools offered by the Commission, such as the link to the compiled list of conformity assessment bodies accredited under eIDAS, the new Trusted List browser or the functional mailbox regarding notifications related to eTSs.

We hope this Q&A document will help those of you who need to fully understand the legal framework in order to implement the rules on Trust Services and/or want to reap the benefits of electronic transactions. The Q&A may also well serve those of you who are simply curious about the Regulation’s various implications.

If you have any additional questions or require more clarifications on the rules applicable to Trust Services under eIDAS, please send them to: