Quality of Public Administration: What have we learned, what can we do better

  • Alma Joy Ridderhof profile
    Alma Joy Ridderhof
    16 February 2018
    Total votes: 1
Date & time: 
Thursday, 22 March, 2018 - 09:00 to Friday, 23 March, 2018 - 13:00
Rue Ginestestraat 3
1210 Brussels
Register URL: 
Register here

The European Commission services are organising an international seminar on “Quality of Public Administration: What have we learned, what can we do better “ in Brussels on the 22-23 March 2018 and we would be extremely pleased to have you amongst the participants.


The event is the culmination of an intense study aiming at developing a consistent overview of the characteristics of public administrations and related reforms in all EU28 counties, as well as to understand better the role that EU support plays in enhancing the quality of public institutions (EUPACK – European Public Administration Country Knowledge).  


It will bring together public administration practitioners from EU Member States, the EU Funds managing authorities, the World Bank, the OECD, leading academics, civil society, and the European Commission.

The focus will be on four following topics: capacity and performance in Member States; steering change; digital as a paradigm changer, and an effective EU role in helping to improve the quality of public administration.


We see this as fantastic opportunity to bring together practitioners to explore in a participative manner how to make public reform happen in Europe. It will also initiate a pragmatic discussion about the various approaches and practices to achieving – ultimately - excellent public administration in Europe for which digital is a crucial enabler.


For more information on the agenda and the different sessions, please click here.


You can register for this event and the workshops using the following link here until 28 February 2018.  Confirmations will be sent to the participants no later than 5 March 2018.


For any further questions about logistic, please contact directly the Conference Secretariat at info@destree.be .