Pillar 2 - 15. EESSI (Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information)

  • Katerina PALAMIOTI profile
    Katerina PALAMIOTI
    18 October 2016 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 1

Complete the setup of the Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information

Potential of action

The electronic exchange of social security information is a key element in establishing a closer and more effective cooperation between social security institutions to the benefit of citizens in a cross-border situation. To achieve this, the European Commission together with the 32 participating countries (EU Member States and Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland) put in place EESSI (Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information).

EESSI is an IT system that helps social security institutions across the EU exchange information more rapidly and securely, as required by the EU rules on social security coordination. It will allow national authorities to handle individual cases more quickly, and facilitate a faster calculation and payment of benefits.

Description of action

EESSI will ensure electronic exchanges of structured information between institutions in all areas of social security coordination such as accidents at work and occupational disease benefits, family benefits, pension benefits, recovery of benefits and contributions, sickness and healthcare benefits, unemployment benefits, etc. It will replace the current exchanges which are mostly paper based.

The different components of the EESSI system was made available by the European Commission in July 2017. Following this, the 32 participating countries have two years to connect their national systems to this central platform and start live exchanges.

The Connecting Europe Facility provided financial support to this action, both for the developement of the central system as well as for the required national preparations.


Main responsible at the European Commission: DG EMPL

Target date: Already in production

Status: On track although national implementation might be delayed.

More info (website): http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=869