Boosting cross-border regions with eGovernment solutions

  • Ivan Fecenko profile
    Ivan Fecenko
    6 September 2018 - updated 2 years ago
    Total votes: 1
Date & time: 
Tuesday, 9 October, 2018 - 16:30 to 18:00
Building SQUARE
Brussels Convention Centre, Room 211
1000 Brussels

This workshop invites participants to learn and explore how digital solutions can help public administrations boost growth and reduce the obstacles and administrative burdens in European cross-border regions. The digital transformation of government can make the lives of individuals and businesses in border regions easier because their interaction with the administration across the border can be eased significantly. Moreover, the cross-border data exchanges will reduce administrative burdens and create better cross-border solutions and synergies. This workshop will showcase good examples of cross-border digital cooperation between regions that boost the regions and help their citizens and businesses.