10th Annual Conference devoted to Innovation in Public Administration - Navigating in Times of Change

  • Alma Joy Ridderhof profile
    Alma Joy Ridderhof
    12 October 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Thursday, 12 October, 2017 - 05:45 to Friday, 13 October, 2017 - 17:00
Ulica Mediteranska

ReSPA is organizing its 10th Annual Conference devoted to Innovation in Public Administration - Navigating in Times of Change, which will be held from 12-13 October 2017 in Budva (Montenegro).

ReSPA is an international organisation which has been entrusted with the mission of boosting regional cooperation in the field of public administration in the Western Balkans.

The 10th annual conference of ReSPA will take up the key aspects of innovation and will facilitate discussions among regional entities to foster the creation and implementation of innovative practices. The first day of 2017 ReSPA Annual Conference will aim to elaborate mechanisms for generating and sharing ideas in public administration, and the use of e-Government in facilitating access to public services. In a panel discussion relevant ReSPA member states representatives will elaborate on how to generate and share ideas on innovations in Public Administration. During the second day of the conference panel sessions will focus on topics such as “Managing User Satisfaction in Public Administration and Public Service Delivery", “Organizational design to support innovation, optimization and introducing e-Government” and on “Recognizing, Rewarding and Measuring Innovation”.

A panel discussion that might be particularly interesting is a panel discussion on "Social, Technological and Organisational Innovation in Public Administration" taking place on 12 October 2017 from 14.30 to 16.15. The aim of the panel discussion is to investigate the different aspects and important factors to foster innovation in public administration. Much more is needed to transform public services than to procure new software or tools. Which organizational structures are backing up a cultural change? Which interlink ages have the panellists experiences between technological innovations and social dynamics in the organizations? In the panel session participants will highlight the relevant factors of innovation and consider the evolving dynamics. In six regional case presentations from the WB successful approaches to implement technological, organisation and social innovation will be presented.

A live webstream is available for this event. The first day can be followed here and the second day here.