Socially interactive technologies

  • Teresa De Martino profile
    Teresa De Martino
    23 November 2017
    Total votes: 1

There is a growing understanding of the changes at cognitive, neural and physiological levels from group interactions in realistic settings, from pairs to large groups and crowds. Based on this, this initiative seeks new technologies for deeper social interaction involving, for instance, context, culture, emotion, and factors of embodiment and cognition. Realistic and larger contexts require new experimental tools and paradigms, combining social sciences and humanities with neuroscience, engineering and computing in new ways. This will lead to new socially interactive media with radical improvement for building trust and understanding, social integration, engagement, collaboration, learning, creativity, entertainment, education and wellbeing, among others. Work on ethical implications and gender should be included.

Want to do a project on this? The FET Proactive call for proposals on this topic is now open. The deadline is 22 March 2018. For further information check out the FET Proactive topic web page. You can also use this platform to build connections, to share ideas, and to benefit from other's expertise.