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    Experience: Digitalization in every sector is increasing rapidly. Various countries realize the big need to make production more efficient and in order to do that, there is big investments into...

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    Experience: According to studies, 100 million Europeans never use the internet – as they themselves explain it is because they don't have a computer or that it's too expensive, too difficult,...

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    Experience: I'm currently project partner in the EU Commission backed DigiChampz Initiative ( ) This project is looking at the opportunities and benefits of the digital economy in...

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    Experience: Different legal ans fiscal treatments within Europe makes it difficult a European digital single market for cultural products and services. Ideas: Europe strength largely rely on culture...

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    Experience: In Spain, development of digital markets thru on-line shops grows slowly mainly due to citizens' fear of lack of protection of their personal data, in particular bank account information...

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    This is a direct quote from another section of this site - "Entrepreneurs and small businesses in Europe are the lifeblood of our economy: they need to be able to start up, scale up, and take...

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    Experience: I Working on European foreign and Secuirty policy Ideas: The digital single market website is very useful to share the ideas and full fill the gap. I am sharing about ideas on European...

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    The EU solution to the vexed problem of taxation of economic transactions in the digital world , where a business may be hiding behind a remote server and claim to be outside of a taxation...

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    The EU solution to the vexed problem of taxation of economic transactions in the digital world , where a business may be hiding behind a remote server and claim to be outside of a taxation...

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    This is a direct quote from another section of this site - "Entrepreneurs and small businesses in Europe are the lifeblood of our economy: they need to be able to start up, scale up, and take...

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    Experience: Currently, if you move within the EU, you're expected to switch to your new country's App Store but, in the process, you may lose access to previously purchased apps. Without...

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    Experience: I will give one simple example that both hard to believe and easy to check. In a place called Apple App Store, if you buy something on the French App Store, there is no way to move it...
