Theory of Evolving Systems

  • Igor Schagaev profile
    Igor Schagaev
    24 February 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 10

The big picture

The human world evolves and progresses by applying knowledge derived from observations of and familiarity with repeatable events and phenomena of nature. Our perceptions, understanding and ability to model reality enables us to develop policies, processes and products required - generally speaking our goal is either in order to control (or exploit) the behaviour of natural phenomena, or creating of human-made objects with required properties.

We believe that fundamental distinction and difference between living processes and dead matter is in evolvability and its essential component or ingredient called recoverability.

Thus we simply must redo our systems and change technologies pursuing principles of self-healing, making our systems easier to adjust, implement them with “zero cost maintenance” approach.

While an amoeba has sufficient resources to use and to protect itself from the destructive energy of the environment or an impact, it will recover and continue existence - the amoeba exhibits redundancy and intrinsic ability to apply it in order to survive. Our designs have no such property…

Living objects differ from man-made systems in terms of the time required for recovery and the use of available redundancy.

Turning from natural world back to human made developments it becomes clear that evolving character of our knowledge is the key for our progress in all our research domains, including computer science, mathematics, aeronautics, economics, education.

Surprisingly, there were no any systematic analysis of fundamental features of evolvability of knowledge and in practical domain recoverability and reconfigurability mechanisms of devices, systems and other human race creations.

New math models will be required, knowledge development and delivery require evolving property so far absent; the same is true for computer science, medicine, military systems, economic systems, aerospace.

Thus theory of evolving systems is required.


Some developments created with TES are known:

() scored in ACM 6500+ downloads:

  • New math models that enable to account evolving property in a flexible way in our developments, but with no support and integration of European expertise available.
  • New methods of self-adjusting and evolving system control was patented in UK (


Development of TES (theory of evolving systems) and application in mentioned above domains provide:

-computer systems 10 at power 5 more reliable than now,

-duplicated performance;

-10-fold less power consumption.

In aerospace:  performance, reliability and energy efficiency of aircrafts will be increased ten-fold.

In education: Cost of education will be reduced while education quality, availability and accessibility will be increased at order of magnitude.

Economic and prognostic analysis of complex systems will be improved in reliability and speed making possible to predict vulnerabilities and providing solutions in real time of processes.

Finally, a new computing paradigm will be investigated and proposed with full size working prototype making existing hardware technologies applied much more efficient than before.

The work needed:

Cluster of projects in domains mentioned under one logic umbrella of TES:

-Elementary prototypes of hardware main schemes are available; system software for this hardware is required. models of prognostic of complex systems based on new math is required;

-Econometric tool to help project engineering to become a quantitative science will be required as a stand-alone research.

-Educational segment simply must be re-equipped by new concept of evolving knowledge formation, aggregation, delivery and assessment (see EKADA link above).;

-In aerospace a new framework of active system control (as a prototype) must be developed for future aircrafts and delivered for testing.


The opportunity:

Some prototypes of hardware, system, software, econometric models, and educational models are developed. Aggregation, consolidation and distribution of the unified approach and results will return Europe to ICT and knowledge development positions in the world. Expertise of Europe should be exploited with maximum efficient. So far it is not a case.

Few examples such as  IoT, AI, or super-brain projects created more questions than solutions.

Role of TES and implementation of key concepts can help EC itself to become manageable  and work much  more efficient.