Supramolecular chemistry and mesotechnology

  • Hans-Werner Schmidt profile
    Hans-Werner Schmidt
    29 April 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1

Our growing ability to design synthetic molecules and macromolecules opens new pathways for the generation of enhanced functional materials. The tailored design of (macro)molecules enables the precise control of chemical and physical properties and thus, molecular interactions. Besides classical macromolecular and colloidal materials, supramolecular structures which originate from solely physical interactions can be formed. These materials are built by precise self-assembly and display complex architectures with hierarchical structuration on multiple length scales leading to a wealth of novel structures and functions.

The most impressive examples of self-assembled hierarchical materials can be found in nature: The well-defined structures formed by biomacromolecules demonstrate the rich complexity and function which can be achieved by the controlled design of hierarchy and structuration. Most intriguingly, even the most sophisticated materials found in nature are built by self-organization of molecular building blocks. (Macro)molecular self-assembly is an ingenious and demanding design principle which – when appropriately controlled – enables the generation of highly complex structures with physical and chemical properties that are not otherwise accessible.

The recent advances in synthetic chemistry and nanotechnology allow the tailored design of molecular or colloidal building blocks required for the precise generation of molecular superstructures. Closing the gap between nanotechnology and the macroscopic world, mesotechnology implements these nanostructured building blocks in novel functional mesoscopic entities and devices to address emerging technologies and societal challenges. The possible applications of this innovative technology cover an extraordinary broad field ranging from energy generation, conversion, storage and saving including materials for applications in the field of renewable energies like light harvesting materials, advanced materials for information and communication technologies, light-weight and hybrid materials for building, automotive and aerospace engineering to functional films, smart surfaces and membranes like environmentally responsive systems for biomedical applications, self-cleaning surfaces and antibacterial coatings. Furthermore, the in-depth understanding of self-organization processes will allow fundamental insights regarding biological nanostructures found in cells, tissues, organs and viruses as well as their interaction with man-made devices.

The rational design of molecular building blocks and superstructures thereof is based on a fundamental understanding of chemical and physical interactions, the self-assembly of materials and structure-property relations on a molecular and macroscopic level. A deep understanding of synthetic chemistry is essential for the synthesis of the required building blocks with the mandatory precision and reliability. Physicists, physical chemists, biologists and biochemists must contribute cutting-edge experimental techniques to achieve full characterization of these building blocks. At the same time, materials engineering is needed to process, develop, and evaluate novel materials and devices which utilize the structures and functions provided on the molecular level. Thus, mesotechnology underlines the need for a truly interdisciplinary approach based on modern synthetic chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemistry, physics, microbiology and engineering covering the entire chain from molecular design to materials with tailored properties to specific applications. The combination of nanotechnology, supramolecular chemistry and mesotechnology will booth the fabrication of more specific and efficient materials with increasingly small and complex features. The high performance of these advanced materials will enable a more efficient use of resources making processes smarter, cleaner and more intelligent, thus contributing to both Circular and Green Economy and guiding the way to more sustainable future technologies.