The Second Blockchain Revolution - Paris, 19 January 2017

  • Nicole Muessigmann profile
    Nicole Muessigmann
    10 January 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Thursday, 19 January, 2017 - 08:15 to 18:00
Salons Champs Elysées Boétie
112 Rue La Boétie
75008 Paris
Register URL: 
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This is the title of a conference organised by DII (Development Institute International) in Paris on 19 January, to discuss the latest developments in the area of Blockchains (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Lisk…). It is aimed at banks, insurances, start-ups, fintechs and institutions interested in the topic.

It will cover different aspects of blockchains: private and public blockchains, regulatory challenges, smart contracts, proofs of concept.

In this context, Fabrizio Sestini, an expert in the area of Digital Social Innovation and member of the NGI-Team, will present and discuss the main results from the workshop "Blockchains for social good" which he organised in June 2016, as well as further plans for NGI.