Report of WG1: Digital Innovation Hubs: Mainstreaming Digital Innovation Across All Sectors, version February 2017

  • Alexandra Tasig... profile
    Alexandra Tasig...
    21 February 2017 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1
Mike Sharpe
Year of publication: 

Following the Stakeholder forum event which took place in Essen between 31st of January and 1st of February 2017, WG1's report published in December 2016 has been updated including:

  • Messages and best practices of already existing digital innovation hubs/competence centers and
  • Discussion points focusing on differences in investments and activities at local level and at European level

as they have been presented during WG1's third meeting.

The two meetings of WG1 were held in Brussels on 20 October 2016 and 9 December 2016 respectively.