Report on WeGovNow

  • Anna Simonati profile
    Anna Simonati
    26 March 2017
    Total votes: 1
Recommendations concerning on-going and future work: 

In my opinion, the project is very good.
More attention could be paid to the legal framework and (consequently) to the implementation issues. In particular, the selection of participants is extremely important and the procedure and criteria should be explained in detail and in advance, giving reasons. It is fundamental to check whether, in the involved legal systems, there are rules in force about participation in administrative decision-making, because concrete action must be harmonized with such provisions.
Other issues, which deserve to be furtherly developed, regard how disadvantaged people are involved, especially from the point of view of costs for administration (in economic terms and in terms of human resources).
Similar remarks regard the respect for the rules about the protection of confidential data: the implementation method could be more clearly explained. This is true, in particular, with reference to the Italian legal system, whose rules about administrative access to documents, data and information are just partially indicated (Legislative Decree no. 33/2013 and its 2016 reform should be analized, too).
A possible danger in implementation may derive from scarse clearness in communication. Citizens may expect a prompt and exhaustive response by administration, also in concrete results. Therefore, it may be useful explaining in advance whether and how deeply demands and suggestions may produce short-term or mid-term results.