Report on WeGovNow

  • lola manteiga profile
    lola manteiga
    17 March 2017 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 2
Recommendations concerning on-going and future work: 

The WeGovNow tool is very attractive from a technological and aspirational point of view. However, it raises concerns about its correct implementation in municipalities and public agencies and also about it effectiveness in the mid term.

WeGovNow can contribute to improving public information and citizen electronic participation in administration and local government by fostering a new type of interaction important for democratic, coexistence and public services challenges. But it can also generate a new problem that is the possible inability of local corporations to meet and respond to electronic citizen demand, which would generate disaffection in the citizen, not only towards the initiative but also to participatory processes.

The problem is especially relevant in the digital platforms environment, where the user expects immediate answers, not only electronically but in real life.

As a recommendation for the good end of the project and especially for future work, I suggest the in-depth analysis of this possible problem in the case studies identified in the project and the study of a gradual procedure to implement the tool in the public administrations, with the purpose to make it more efficient and with greater possibility of impact in the mid term.