Report on WeGovNow

  • Gemma Molero profile
    Gemma Molero
    16 March 2017
    Total votes: 2
Project results and potential impact: 

WeGovNow objective is to develop a platform where citizens can communicate between them and with the government, enhancing citizen´s coproduction in the public sector. The platform will include an integrating platform with an interactive map-based citizen network and opinion formation tools. This type of platform will go further in current state of the art in the use of innovative technologies for citizen´s reporting and e-participation with the government. The developments made in this project could be further used by researchers and practitioners in other areas with similar characteristics, and improvements of the platform in the future (e.g. adding more tools) could also be interesting.

Current limitations of existing digital tools for citizen´s reporting or communication with the government are not explained. A brief explanation of them would help in a better understanding of the problem and of the solutions that are going to be implemented (map-based citizen network, opinion formation tools, etc.).

They say in the project´s summary that they will address digital exclusion risks. The way they face this risk is to develop a user friendly platform where people with low technological knowledge or disabilities can use it. However, how they are going to facilitate this technology for people with low incomes is not addressed.

Dissemination, exploitation and re-usability: 

The most significant result is the WeGovNow platform. Dissemination activities of WeGovNow concept and results are well explained in Deliverable 5.1. “Project Web Presence and External Dissemination Plan”. It describes well the main target audiences of dissemination activities (Public authorities, EU policy makers, Business community, Wider public, Academia and Media) together with the dissemination materials and channels to be used to reach each type of stakeholder. First plans for collaboration with third parties are also included.
Dissemination plan is properly planned, however dissemination to public authorities is not well detailed as has been done with the other stakeholders. Reaching this type of stakeholder by Flyers; PPT and thematic presentations may not be enough and other alternatives should be studied. Selection of appropriate conferences or sites to do the presentations to government members may be the key.

Recommendations concerning on-going and future work: 

Planning of the different tasks to develop and test the WeGovNow platform and collaboration with other EU projects operating in areas of interest of WeGovNow is properly assessed in the project. However, a study about the number of citizen´s involved in test cases and how they are going to be selected should be defined.