• Giorgia Nesti profile
    Giorgia Nesti
    15 May 2017 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Project results and potential impact: 

The project SIMPATICO is well written: methods, goals, roles and activities are clearly specified. The work carried out in the project wil surely help advance the field further especially for what concerns technological improvements of tools for public administration.

Nevertheless, I think that a weak point in the project relates to its impacts on local administration structres and processes. SIMPATICO, in fact, is mainly focussed on the creation, improvement and interoperability of e-gov services  but limited attention seems to be devoted to effects generated on the 'backoffice side'. I suggest, therefore, to take greater account of the sustainability of the project not only from a technological point of view but also in organisational terms. 

This would improve the research on societal, political and human factors that prevent PA from implementing effectively new technologies, as also mentioned in the call.


Dissemination, exploitation and re-usability: 

It is difficult to evaluate the results of the project from the deliverables. The most promising result is definitely Citizenpedia. 

To improve dissemination I suggest, for the Italian case, to involve ANCI, the national platform of municipalities. 

The project results should be re-used in other countries. To do that I suggest to elaborate carefully the results in order to identify common threats and weaknesses across countries and to produce recommendations.   

Recommendations concerning on-going and future work: 

I suggest to further elaborate the managerial and policy implications of the project.

It would be very useful for researchers and practitioners to have more information about how the involvement of users took place in practice, and about how to ensure users long-lasting participation. In participatory experiments they are usually very difficult tasks.