• Francisco Santa... profile
    Francisco Santa...
    12 May 2017 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 5
Project results and potential impact: 

- The study of the state of the art about technologies, projects and papers is very good, and well detailed in D2.1 and D3.1.

Nevertheless the innovation management and how results of the project will go further this current state of the art is poorly described. This is a shortcoming

- The impact of the project is poorly described without any quantification, and KPIs (key performance indicators) to measure this impact in the time have not been either described. This is a weakness.

- The clarity and pertinence of the general and specific objectives is very good, and the soundness of the concept is also very good by addressing on line public services for a seamless interaction between citizens and public administration.

- The credibility of the methodology is very good applying contrasted methods as neural networks for lexical simplification (deliverable 2.1) and Volere methodology for the analysis of user functions (deliverable 5.1). However, it is missing a structured methodology for selecting elicitation techniques for “on line public services” involving users as indicated by carrizo et al. 2014 (*). This is a shortcoming.


(*) Carrizo, D., Dieste, O. and Juristo, N., 2014. Systematizing requirements elicitation technique selection. Information and Software Technology, 56(6), pp. 644-669.

Dissemination, exploitation and re-usability: 

- The dissemination & communication plan is excellent. It is well structured with individual responsibilities as detailed in Fig. 12 Deliverable 7.2, it also includes a detailed description of target public, events and journals. KPIs (key performance indicators) to measure the success of dissemination actions and dissemination objectives have been also introduced.

- The exploitation plan is poorly addressed, although a market study is mentioned in order to design a future business/exploitation plan about results of the SIMPATICO project, it has not been pre-defined any initial approach yet. This is a weakness.

- The project can be used by web makers, researchers in the field of web design and ICT systems, and by other projects approaching innovative web platforms. Moreover results can be applied in other public and private web platforms (different of cases of study described in deliverable 6.1) with a direct relation with citizens and public.

Recommendations concerning on-going and future work: 

- The impact of the project will be surely maximized by the establishment of a good business and exploitation plan of results coming from SIMPATICO project. IPRs (intellectual property rights) between partners should be previously clarified and written.