Report on OpenGovIntelligence

  • Valentina Nejkovic profile
    Valentina Nejkovic
    23 April 2017
    Total votes: 1
Project results and potential impact: 

There are several useful projects results in the first phase of the project: a) a flexible technical architecture which could be extended with new services is developed, b) tools are identified and first releases are already available on source code repository github, and c) data management plan is developed together and necessary datasets are identified.

Dissemination, exploitation and re-usability: 

Dissemination is in a very good progress. There are already marketing materials, twitter and blog created. Web site is started.

Recommendations concerning on-going and future work: 

Web site should be improved. For example: About the project is in the bottom of page and it is not visible. It will be better to be on the top.
Consider and highlight facts on exploitation and re-usability of the project in the next project phases.