Report on OpenGovIntelligence

  • Joana SOUSA profile
    Joana SOUSA
    21 April 2017 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1
Project results and potential impact: 

The project results are well presented and explained. Projects aims at targeting several public areas with high impact. The solution presents a flexible technical architecture, which is very good since it easy to add more services. Use cases are very well studied and the needs very well identified. The more important use case and probably the more critical is related to marine. Data that will be managed could be use for civil situations. Thus, the usage of having a platform will help on this would be great and a great step for the future. Furthermore, the solution will have impact across Europe, because it is covering several common needs from different countries.
In terms of methodology, the usage of agile methods is a very good approach. End-users have been included since at the beginning the project, providing feedback about their needs. Use cases are designed according to that and the development will take some interactions to gather feedback during the all process and improve the releases.

Dissemination, exploitation and re-usability: 

Forth first year of the project, dissemination is in a good progress. Also, many marketing materials were created in order to promote the project. Twitter and a blog were created in order to be easier disseminate the project and give it credibility. Both are up-to-date and are seeding continuously. However, project website is poor. It contains few information of the project and should be the central for the other social networks.
The exploitation of the project is not clear yet. Since this is an open platform, project needs to clarify who will support the costs for supporting, maintenance.

Recommendations concerning on-going and future work: 

R1. Improve the website and integrate into it the twitter and the blog. The website needs to be the door for the project.
R2. Try to get feedback from private sector (big players). IT big players could be an important stakeholder of the project because they are working with government for deploying IT solutions. This platform should be use by these companies in order to increase its add-value.
R3. Try to understand if there common needs among countries for the use cases designed.