Protection of the Sun against energy informational fields

  • Vasil Korniienko profile
    Vasil Korniienko
    29 April 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1


Life on Earth completely depends on the Sun. Therefore it is impossible to underestimate importance for mankind of the processes happening on the Sun which physicist needs to understand, in case of need, to give him help.

Apparently such situation has come. Unprecedented decrease in his activity which has begun in 2003 testifies to it. At the same time, we have found out that the solar crown has begun to generate waves of high-temperature heat. These waves are well felt during the periods when the Sun hasn't warmed up Earth yet.

 We connect the reason of changes on the Sun with the fact that in the summer of 2003 from Distant Space there has arrived the huge Energy Information Field (EIF). Then we have defined that EIF occupied all Earth. At the same time practically at the same time the Sun has ceased to generate the solar vibration of zero energiya (VZE). The EIF properties investigated by us don't leave doubt that solar VZE have disappeared because EIF blocked the Sun and absorb from him VZE.

It is very dangerous because VZE contain information which operates matter parameters at the level of quanta. Therefore this absorption is capable to cause changes of physical properties of matter. For example, such absorption causes severe pains in the person and tension in matter of his organism. By analogy, in response to absorption, solar matter passes into a tension which generate VZE streams. At the same time they carry away solar deep high-temperature heat. However the magnetic field of the Sun interferes with spacewalk of these, solar VZE. Therefore in a crown of the Sun there is their accumulation as a result of which periodically lets out circular waves as a part of which there are solar VZE and deep heat of the Sun. These waves with frequency of 10-20 seconds leave a crown and go to Space in the radial direction from the Sun.

Feelings we have defined by touch that these waves overcome 150 million km which separate the Sun from Earth, in 30 seconds. Therefore, the speed of distribution of solar VNE makes 5 million kilometers per second that it is 16,7 times above than the velocity of light.

Arrival of each such wave on Earth causes sharp temperature increase of air by 10-15 degrees and several seconds keep.  

Therefore it is clear what these waves of a high-temperature solar heat definitely makes the contribution to growth of average temperature on Earth. These waves have appeared after emergence of EIF which growth has caused growth of their frequency. It will cause revenues to Earth of a large number of high-temperature heat of a crown of the Sun that not only will accelerate climate change, but also is capable to destroy life on Earth. Besides, this absorption is capable to change physical properties of matter of the Sun and the processes proceeding in it that is fraught with consequences which are difficult for predicting.

In this regard I suggest to bring this subject in the plan of works the Horizon of 2020.

Results of our researches allow to create devices for carrying out necessary measurements, and also to develop energy which broadcast of long-distance space communication by radio stations will allow to clear the Sun of EIF. It will cause decrease in frequency of a pulsation of a crown of the Sun that it is easy to control in real time.