Polish e-commerce market – “E-commerce in Poland 2015. Gemius for e-Commerce Polska” report

  • Marlene ten Ham profile
    Marlene ten Ham
    27 October 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1

What brands and online services are known to Polish e-consumers? What motivates them to buy? What are their preferred forms of product delivery and return policy? The answers to these and many other questions can be found in a report on Polish e-commerce.

Of the respondents, more than half (55 per cent) claim to have shopped online at least once. Most purchases on Polish websites are made by people aged 25-34 (64 per cent), with a higher education (69 per cent) and households from a higher income bracket (above PLN 3000).

"The data from the report shows that Poles are increasingly interested in shopping online, which is not a surprise. We have been researching the behaviour of e-consumers on the Polish market for several years, so, based on the analysed data, we can draw conclusions and predict trends in Polish e-commerce. We also help entrepreneurs to make favourable business decisions, which is resulting in a revival of online trade," explains Joanna Skierska, president of the Polish branch of the company Gemius.

Convenience motivates people to shop online

The greatest factors motivating internet users to shop online are the following: the round-the-clock availability of e-stores (88 per cent), the possibility to avoid going out to the shops (83 per cent) and the ease of price comparison (77 per cent). The existence of more attractive prices than in the shops came in at fourth place (76 per cent).

"The results confirm that more and more of us are shopping online. Currently, as many as 55 per cent of internet users are e-consumers, which is about nine percent higher than last year. Thanks to the cyclical nature of our research, we can see how dynamically Polish e-consumers are changing, along with their needs and expectations. This is clearly a challenge for e-stores, who have to observe, understand and respond to these changes," explains Patricia Staniszewska, member of the board of the Chamber of Digital Economy.

Obstacles to overcome?

Internet users also had the opportunity to indicate the problems of online shopping. The most frequently mentioned factors were: high delivery costs (41 per cent), long waiting times for product delivery (38 per cent) and product dissatisfaction due to failure to meet expectations (20 per cent).

Download the Polish e-commerce report in PDF

This is a report of Gemius and Chamber of Digital Economy (e-Commerce Polska). e-Commerce Polska is one of the National Associations of Ecommerce Europe.