OECD Recommendation-digital-government-strategies

  • Anders Gjoen profile
    Anders Gjoen
    27 May 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

The purpose of the Recommendation is to help governments adopt more strategic approaches for a use of technology that spurs more open, participatory and innovative governments. Key actors responsible for public sector modernisation at all levels of government (from co-ordinating units, sector ministries, and public agencies) will find the Recommendation relevant to establish more effective co-ordination mechanisms, stronger capacities and framework conditions to improve digital technologies’ effectiveness for delivering public value and strengthening citizen trust. While the level of trust obtained in each country largely depends on its history and culture, the Recommendation can help governments to use technology to become more agile and resilient and to foster forward-looking public institutions. This can increase public trust through better performing and responsive services and policies, and can mobilise public support for ambitious and innovative government policies.

In this regard, the principles set out in the Recommendation support a shift in culture within the public sector: from a use of technology to support better public sector operations to integrating strategic decisions on digital technologies in the shaping of overarching strategies and agendas for public sector reform and modernisation. The Recommendation hence offers guidance for a shared understanding and a mind-set on how to prepare for, and get the most out of, technological change and digital opportunities in a long-term perspective to create public value and mitigate risks related to: quality of public service delivery, public sector efficiency, social inclusion and participation, public trust, and multi-level and multi-actor governance.