OECD - Going Digital: Making the Transformation Work for Growth and Well-being

  • Nicole Muessigmann profile
    Nicole Muessigmann
    1 February 2017 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Year of publication: 

Please read and give feedback!

The OECD is undertaking an ambitious two-year project (2017-18) that exploits its policy breadth and international purview to examine how the digital transformation affects policymaking across a large spectrum of policy areas, including competition; consumer policy; digital economy policy (privacy, security, infrastructure, economic impact); science, technology and innovation; industry and entrepreneurship; insurance and private pensions; financial markets; fiscal affairs and taxation; statistics; economic policy (monetary, fiscal and structural); education and skills; employment and social affairs; public governance; and trade.

The note is preliminary and meant to initiate discussion across various policy communities – governments, business, civil society, the technical community, academia and the general public. The scope, content and structure of the project will become more fully formed in the coming months. The OECD would particularly be interested in any views on the following important questions...