The Next Generation Internet

  • Luis Eduardo MA... profile
    Luis Eduardo MA...
    4 November 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Anja Feldmann
Year of publication: 

White Paper by Anja Feldmann, Tecnische Universitat Berlin, Germany.


Digitalization is transforming our world as we know it. This effects not only our society and science but also the
economy. Indeed, digitalization is rewriting the rules of interaction and competition. While the digital technologies
underlying these transformations are not necessarily new, in principle, they are going to be used at unthought-of scales
and in unforeseen context.

In 10 to 20 years, staggering amounts of data will be available and include proprietary as well as public sources.
Moreover, analytic and processing capabilities will have further advanced and offer intelligent machine learning mechanisms.
In addition, we will take ubiquitous access to information from everywhere for granted.