The Need for a Systematic Support of Individualistic Decision Making within Complex Societies

  • Miroslav Karny profile
    Miroslav Karny
    25 April 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0

A targeted (purposeful) choice among (sequence of) alternatives made under uncertainty and incomplete knowledge is labelled here more broadly than the common usage as decision making (DM). DM represents the vast majority of human activities underpins functioning of technical tools they use. Contemporary DM theories and their specializations as well as applications have a predominant tendency for centralized formulations, solutions and views. They care about welfare of societies (formed both by humans, technical tools and their mixed groups) and more and more ignore individual multiple objectives and limited abilities (time devoted to individual DM tasks, allocated memory and other deliberation resources, energy, finances, etc.) of DM participants.

It is desirable to seek for a conceptually unified theoretical, algorithmic and technical support of individual DM participants respecting the outlined circumstances. Importantly, the individual participants are living within a society so that they have to be individually equipped with the support, which allows them to seek for an acceptable compromise with neighbors, who are equally individually oriented and who have different objectives and resources but similar DM constraints.

There are strong indicators that the development of such a highly desirable support is possible but it requires a focused and coordinated multidisciplinary effort ranging from behavioral sciences, over mathematics, algorithmic and software art, etc. up to standardization ICT activities (almost any scientific branch may contribute). The foreseen impact on truly democratic society, cyber-physical systems, internet of things, smart cities, factories, homes etc. is immense.

We strongly believe that human brain, successful societies and enterprises do act in this locally harmonized bottom-up way, i.e. they respect individuality of “participants” and support the search for a compromise with neighbors. Thus, a creation of even an incomplete support with the described aim would deepen the understanding of such complex systems and would allow a better prediction of their emergent behaviors.

The above text states the overall problem as simply and generally as we managed. There are preliminary attempts and observations indicating that it is feasible and (pity to say?) strongly connected with the mentioned collection of buzzwords.