Magnonic spintronics and waste heat recovery by the spin Seebeck effect

  • Abdelmadjid Anane profile
    Abdelmadjid Anane
    29 April 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 16

The fields of magnonics and caloritronics are currently considered as reaching Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 2 with no real proof-of-principle yet established at the system level. However these fields have a close relation with an existing technology, namely the YIG tune oscillators and filters, whose performances in analog RF electronics have been setting the state-of-the-art for the last four decades. The cost of this technology and its incompatibility with a large scale integration have hindered its penetration into the consumer market. Due to the recent rise of ultra-thin film magnonics those limitations can be overcome: Magnonics allows for analog signal processing directly at the carrier frequency for future 5G communications. Highly integrated magnonic logic circuits can also offer an alternative to CMOS computation. The power consumption of magnonics circuits is expected to be orders of magnitudes smaller than that of charge based electronics, the little amount of dissipated power can even be harvested back using caloritonics  nanoscale devices based on the spin-Seebeck effect. Combining nanofabrication and the recently developed “spintronics toolbox” for signal transduction, control and amplification, magnonics is now at the verge of a new dawn.