Internet of People (IoP) - An inter-disciplinary approach to Networking in a human-centric NGI

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    Andrea Passarella
    9 January 2017 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 2
Marco Conti, Andrea Passarella
Year of publication: 

Position paper by Marco Conti and Andrea Passarella, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, IT

The vision of NGI as a human-centric complex socio-technical system is supported by several trends, spanning the technological, social and behavioral domains. In this position paper, we argue that, from this trend, it naturally follows that well-establish quantitative models of the human individual and social behavior need to be embedded into the design and operation of NGI networking protocols. Therefore, NGI becomes an Internet of People, because NGI devices become proxies in the Internet of their human users, and thus can use, when appropriate, the same behavioral functions that their human users would use when interacting with each other. In the paper, we present the details and the key paradigms of the IoP approach, describe successful prior experiences in adopting it, and identify key research challenges in the framework of NGI.