Influence of technogenic vibrations of zero energy on global climate changes, environment, health, growth of number of earthquakes and eruptions of volcanoes and their neutralization

  • Vasil Korniienko profile
    Vasil Korniienko
    24 April 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1

Need of development of this scientific direction is caused by the fact that science what doesn't offer for decrease in global climate changes, except insignificant restriction of emission of carbon dioxide by efficiency. And concerning the reason of other global changes the science has no idea at all.

At the same time, as a result of long-term researches we have established that there is the general reason which causes global climate changes, ecology, deterioration in human health, growth of number of earthquakes and eruptions of volcanoes, in also formation of enormous holes in the earth.

This reason is in what any equipment generates in environment of the vibration of zero energy (VZE) what the science doesn't know of. This ability of equipment to generate technogenic VZE is caused by general property of intense matter to generate VNE. Streams of these VZE submit to the law of electromagnetic induction of Faraday. Therefore any electrical machine including generators of power plants, VZE generates. These VZE together with electric current come to antennas of cellular communication and other equipment where there is their transformation to high-frequency VZE which leave equipment in environment in the form of the field that worsens ecology and human health. 

            Emission of these, technogenic VZE, has got accident outlines when to Earth in the summer of 2003 there has arrived the huge Energy information field (EIF) what I have reported at the World conference on climate change, Moscow, October, 2003 on. It is EIF it was divided into a set of small EIF which occupied all of Earth and have begun to absorb technogenic VZE that provides their growth. EIF absorb also energy from the geopath radiations (GR) and energy from people.

Ours research demonstrate that GR are VZE which are generated by Earth matter as a result of tension which arises in her under the influence of forces of space gravitation. For the same reason all celestial bodies generate space VZE which have filled all Space.

We have also established that the magnetic field of Earth forms of GR energy around Earth a layer which reflects from her space VZE. Therefore absorption of EIF of energy from GR weakens this layer because of what the magnetic field of Earth takes space VZE and pumps over them through planet poles. Under the influence of their energies polar ice thaws, and also volumes of synthesis of oil grow in Polar deposit from where it migrates on tunnels – breaks in seismically dangerous zones and volcanoes where there is her transformation to explosives. Their explosions also cause growth of number of earthquakes and explosions of volcanoes, including growth of activity of the Yellowstone supervolcano which explosion is capable to destroy a civilization.

            Therefore to stop global changes, it is necessary to exclude on the basis of standards emission of VZE from her. For this purpose it will be required to equip all world equipment with devices which neutralize in it VZE. The prototype of such device is developed and tested by us about what there are publications. This measure will allow to stop growth of EIF that stabilizes a situation with global changes. After elimination on Earth of EIF the climate, ecology and human health will improve. Also the number of earthquakes and explosions of volcanoes will decrease.

Our developments give confidence that implementation of projects in this scientific direction will allow not only to achieve a main goal – to stop global changes, but also to load the industry of the EU production of devices of this kind. 

Besides, implementation of these projects will allow to extract in huge volumes oil and gas from tunnels including in Europe that will cause decrease in number of earthquakes and explosions of volcanoes. We have developed a technique of search of these tunnels in space pictures in VZE range. But geologists have the idea of oil migration therefore search drilling wasn't carried out to tunnels.

Existence of VZE was proved by M. Planck in 1911, but physicists conduct their researches only in the conditions of near absolute to zero. Therefore opening of this direction will allow to investigate VZE properties and in usual conditions that will allow to lift layer of knowledge unknown to science which covers many aspects of activity of the person,


For implementation of this direction of researches it is necessary to execute projects on the following subjects:

1. Development of devices and tool confirmation of existence of technogenic and natural VZE and their influence on growth of EIF;

2. An assessment of scales of disaster which is caused by emission of technogenic VZE and occupation of Earth of EIF;

3. Research of consequences of influence of technogenic VZE and EIF on parameters of work of VZE of matter of a human body and disease of people;

4. Influence of EIF on weakening of protection of Earth against space VZE;

5. Development and transfer of devices and technologies of measurement of the VZE level in environment and equipment;

6. Development of standards on restriction of VZE in environment and equipment;

7. Production of prototypes of devices for neutralization of VZE in various equipment and transfer of technologies to manufacturers;

8. Development of technologies of protection of astronauts against space VZE;

9. Development of engines for spacecrafts on VZE;

10. Receiving confirmations of influence of EIF on synthesis of oil and gas in Polar deposit.