IndustriAll: Open standards for the digital integration of manufacturing

  • Laurent ZIBELL profile
    Laurent ZIBELL
    18 March 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0
industriAll European Trade Union
Year of publication: 

This is a Policy Brief by industriAll European Trade Union, the European federation of trade unions in the manufacturing sectors (190 affiliates, 7 million members, across all industrial value chains: mining, energy, chemicals & pharmaceuticals, ICT, metalworking, automotive, aeronautics and transport equipment, textile, clothing and leather) and a member of the European Trade Union Confederation.

This Policy Brief proposes that the European Commission should mandate the European Standardisation Organisations (ESOs) to develop an open communication protocol and data format for the digital integration of manufacturing, for a given date (e.g. 2020), in order to avoid having the value added of Mechanical Engineering being captured by the owners of a proprietary standard.

In order for the standard to be developed fast, the Commission should support the activities of an Open Source community to develop the protocol stacks and the application software exploiting the data formats, in parallel to the definition of the standard, e.g. as part of the mission of the “Future Internet” PPP.