How to set KPIs that work

  • Tsvetanka Kalfin profile
    Tsvetanka Kalfin
    14 October 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 3

The European Commission adopted the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016 – 2017 European Research Infrastructures (including e-Infrastructures).

The programme specifies that "the proposals should define, collect and make available key performance indicators (KPIs) in support of operational, technical and socio-economic impact assessment".

For evaluation of proposals submitted under EINFRA-11-2016 and EINFRA-12-2017, KPIs are defined as part of the evaluation criterion Excellence. In addition to the standard sub-criteria, the following aspects will also be taken into account:

"The extent to which the Service Activities (Trans-national and/or Virtual Access Activities) will offer access to state-of-the-art infrastructures and high quality services, and will enable users to conduct excellent research as demonstrated, inter-alia, by both the quality of the associated catalogue of services and the baseline and expected future measurements of related KPIs ".

The Work programme also defines a new role of e-IRG - to collect and aggregate relevant policy information with impact on the development of EC-funded e-infrastructures, including KPIs and with the support of independent expert panels to provide strategic advice on the evolution of the European e-infrastructures landscape.

The service related KPIs collected by e-IRG will then be made publicly available through a web-portal. It shall support monitoring activities on take-up of open science and e-infrastructures policies.

In order to facilitate the process of proposal preparation we would like to open the debate on KPIs with some preliminary questions to be explored:

  • What are the KPIs defined in your project;

  • What was the reason for selecting them;

  • Do you prioritize your KPIs;

  • Which KPIs you find useful and what are the challenges to be addressed.