H2020 interim evaluation questionnaire for e-infrastructure projects

  • Stephanie MATT profile
    Stephanie MATT
    21 September 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1

The interim evaluation of Horizon 2020 is a mandatory requirement from the Regulation (EU) No 1291/2013 establishing Horizon 2020. The purpose of the evaluation is to provide an assessment of the Horizon 2020 Programme at mid-term of its implementation. The interim evaluation will contribute to improving the implementation of Horizon 2020 and will provide a solid evidence base for designing future activities and initiatives. In fact, the results will be used to prepare for the ex-ante impact assessment of the future Framework Programme for Research (starting in 2017).

The expert panel in charge of conducting the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020 activities carried out under the responsibility of DG CNECT is interested in collecting evidence to help them assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and EU added value of the e-infrastructure part of Horizon 2020. For this purpose, we have put forward the set of questions below addressed to all projects benefiting from H2020 funding under the e-infrastructures programme.

We would be grateful if you could reply by the 30th of September 2016 keeping your answers brief and to the point. Answers should be submitted online and they should include the name of the project in the Subject field.

Your answers are essential to define the future e-infrastructure Horizon 2020 programme!


  1. e-infrastructure project. Indicate which H2020 e-infrastructure project you represent.
  2. Relevance. Provide measures of the usage of the services provided by your e-infrastructure and improvement over time. For example, traffic growth on the networks, usage of supercomputing facilities etc. 
  3. Effectiveness. Provide benchmarks comparing your e-infrastructure against e-infrastructures in other scientific powerhouses such as USA, China and Japan.
  4. Efficiency. Provide measures of the levels of exploitation of your e-infrastructure. Were things built and stand idle or are they used? You’re your e-infrastructure assist or harm private business development in an area? Some e-infrastructures are more domain specific than others – how are infrastructure needs of different sciences treated?  
  5. Coherence. To what extent your e-infrastructure project supports other activities (e.g. internationalization by making infrastructures global, open access policies by proving services for open data and open science, etc.). Do you consider your e-infrastructure neutral with respect to other research priorities?
  6. EU added value. Could you provide examples about how your e-infrastructure adds value at EU level?