Going Local Poland: European Digital Market: skills, commerce, jobs

  • Aleksander Fuks... profile
    Aleksander Fuks...
    5 May 2015 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Thursday, 14 May, 2015 - 10:00 to 16:00

Broad Alliance for Digital Skills in Poland, Institute of Public Affairs, Ministry of Administration and Digitization, and the European Commission Representation in Poland 

are pleased to invite you to a conference:

European Digital Market: skills, commerce, jobs

 with the participation of the Vice-President of the European Commission, Mr Andrus Ansip

During the conference the Vice-President Andrus Ansip, is to present the European Commission plan of the “Digital Single Market”. According to the Commission, the creation of the European digital single market could lead to up to €250 billion of additional growth as well as the appearance of hundreds of thousands of new jobs.

The meeting will be an opportunity to discuss the Commission’s plan, the chances of its successful implementation and the existing barriers to the development of the single digital market, especially in Poland.

The conference is organised on the iniciative of the Digital Champion. We invite representatives of central and regional administration, business, academia, educational and non-governmental sectors. The aim of the meeting is to mobilise public opinion and all the interested parties to engage in effective cooperation towards making full use of the development potential of the information technologies.

The programme of the conference and registration (in Polish only): www.rynekcyfrowy.pl