The first public Anti-Corruption Complaint Box

  • Nicole Muessigmann profile
    Nicole Muessigmann
    23 January 2017 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Year of publication: 

Xnet, an activist project which has been working on and for networked democracy and digital rights since 2008, launches in the Barcelona City Hall the first public Anti-Corruption Complaint Box using anonymity protection technology like Tor and GlobaLeaks (“Bústia Ètica” in Catalan).

With this pioneering project, the Barcelona City Hall is the first municipal government to invite citizens to use tools which enable them to send information in a way that is secure, that guarantees privacy and gives citizens the option to be totally anonymous.

Xnet, as part of the Citizens’ Advisory Council of the Barcelona City Office for Transparency and Best Practices, launches this Anti-Corruption Complaint Box highlighting the following features:

  • What this digital device is, and how to use the new facility managed by the Barcelona City Hall, inspired by similar mechanisms already operating in civil society (for example, the XnetLeaks  mailbox), and implemented with advice from members of Xnet who have  also set up a working relationship with the GlobaLeaks platform.
  • The debate on what anonymity entails is one of the most up-to-date and relevant themes of the digital age, especially in the wake of Edward Snowden’s revelations  and, accordingly, we explain why Xnet has insisted on the need to  guarantee true anonymity in a project like the Barcelona City  Anti-Corruption Complaint Box which combats corruption and other damaging practices that threaten good governance in the city of  Barcelona.
  • Xnet provides for journalists and citizens a FAQ service regarding the Box, explaining how it works, describing tools (for example Tor) which guarantee anonymity, and all the details relative to the first project of this type whose use is recommended by public institutions, and explains how this can be done

Xnet has always espoused the idea that democracy can only exist if institutions work together in equal conditions with aware,  well-organised citizens. The Box aims to provide a way to make this kind of teamwork possible. Corruption can’t be eliminated by institutions scrutinising themselves. Civil society must play a central, continuous role.

Please have a quick look at it on twitter. For more detailed info click here.