The era of "acceleration of technological progress" and the consequent collective Wellness

  • Roberto De Biase profile
    Roberto De Biase
    14 June 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 3

We are about to enter into the potential phase of evolution of technological progress [up to now characterized by the "slow" processes , "easily" perceptible and "understandable"] of "exponential acceleration", which (simplifying) consists of an extremely rapid succession of "phenomena "science and technology [development of new technologies and scientific discoveries] in time periods regularly decreasing, or the amount of new technologies and scientific discoveries will increase" exponentially "in units of time consistently lower.

This phenomenon will result in significantly positive effects on society and the environment, allowing quick resolution of serious global problems such as hunger, poverty in general, the ecological footprint, environmental pollution, resource scarcity, climate change , disease, overpopulation [economic well-being spread all over the world will determine demographic stabilization].

When and how you should check this phenomenon?

The exponential acceleration technology should be a result of the convergence and development of integrated / synergistic, global [process already in place gradually for several years] of the following main technologies and their scalability direct / indirect [going to further develop the law of moore and changing the cycle of hype]:

Internet [digitization processes]
Internet of Things / everything -Cloud computing [smart city / smart factory (industry 4.0) / smart grid / smart home / smart car / etc.]
Automation / robotics
AI - artificial neural networks - chip neuroformici
supercomputer - grid computing systems
Quantum computers
biological computers
technologies for virtual reality / augmented [holographic]
[Complementary technologies / aids]

While the economic well-being worldwide will be determined by socio-economic phenomena such as:

sharing economy [economy collaborative]
open source
Basic income
The time period within which you should check out all this can not be established with certainty, when in depends on the willingness of the company to understand the importance of these technologies and their development and implementation as soon as possible in order to obtain the related social benefits , economic, health and environmental issues.

Integration and scalability direct / indirect technological [internet of things and artificial intelligence]

The term scalability, in telecommunications, in software, in computer science and other disciplines, refers, in general terms, the ability of a system to "grow" scaling or decrease depending on the needs and availability. A system that has this property is called scalable. [Wikipedia]

This "scalability" in technologies mentioned above will be done through the phenomenon of the integration of key technologies enabling the exponential acceleration, consistent nell'interconnettere all these technologies with each other, causing them to "communicate" [via the internet of things] and managing them automatically and "intelligently" [or by artificial intelligence software that acquire data from all over the world and from any object, process, people, equipment, etc. and in "include" mechanisms functional systemic solving any problems that arise, automatically] thanks to the infrastructure of cloud computing, through which converge the data to be analyzed [big data]. The artificial intelligence that will analyze these data will be continuously "communication" with all the other interconnected technologies and may change automatically in order to improve them by acting on the robot and computer codes, this will result in the acceleration of the scalability of the same, in the form:

direct: or by acting directly on the technologies

Indirect: making change through an automatic adaptation [programming software IA installed on that specific equipment]
The integration and scalability of such direct and indirect "technology ecosystem automatically" lead to further development of the "Moore's law" and a radical change in the so-called cycle of hype

The development of Moore's law

The nano / biotechnology and quantum computers [in general technological developments arising from the application of quantum mechanics through the application of artificial intelligence in scientific research in this subject area, through the process of integration and scalability direct / indirect of all technologies above] could allow the development of technologies such as quantum microprocessors, chip neuroformici quantum, so as to increase performance "exponentially" processor performance.

The modification of the hype cycle

The hype cycle is a graphical representation which depicts the life cycle of a technology, from its conception to maturity, to its spread.

The integration and scalability relative direct / indirect enabling technologies exponential acceleration of technological progress, that modify positively Moore's law, may therefore cancel the negative phenomenon described by the so-called "cycle of hype", the inability of effectiveness / productivity and development, at some point, this technology, normally caused by the alternation of popular sentiment in the economy. This efficiency / productivity and development depends on the influence of positive or negative perception of the technology in question, while it would not be absolutely influenced in a context of total automation, therefore, free from the influence of the human subjective and irrational that can pose an obstacle to progress technological and consequently to its improvement, wellness, troubleshooting and its evolution.