Energy sustainable ICT

  • Luca Gammaitoni profile
    Luca Gammaitoni
    29 April 2016 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 15

The big picture

The reliance of society on the use of Information Communications Technology (ICT) devices and systems is increasing with over 4% of all electricity consumption and 2% of all CO2 emissions now the result of ICT use. If entertainment, telephones, TV and media which are now being translated onto ICT devices and systems are added then these consumption numbers approximately double. FP7-ICT and Horizon2020 have highlighted ICT as a key engine of growth, with the use of ICT to improve energy efficiency by managing energy demand and use. The energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission from the expanding ICT use with present drivers, however, is unsustainable and will impact heavily on future climate change.

Transistors are approaching the minimum amount of energy per switch and the access resistance of electrical interconnects is a key issue for future scaling of energy in all ICT hardware. The failure of the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors after 2013 provides evidence of the end of scaling and also of Moore’s law, the economic law driving future ICT hardware systems. Future scaling of transistors is therefore unlikely to result in any significant reduction in system energy consumption and power. This is further exasperated by the product volume requirements for return on investment at the leading edge CMOS technology nodes. Radical new devices, interconnect solutions and system architectures are required if reductions in power per device are to be achieved in the future. Technologies that can be delivered on legacy foundries would also significantly reduce the financial costs of adoption. As Europe is the leader in low power design and consumer embedded systems, this is an enormous opportunity for the EC to lead as applications with old wired devices move towards portable solutions.


The work needed

What it is highly needed is a focused activity aimed at identifying methods, techniques and directions for making ICT devices and systems sustainable with regard to energy.

Two different strategies are required: short term and long term.

Short term strategy aimed at gaining fast, incremental progresses in energy efficiency should be focused on improving the role of software in ICT systems. A key issue is the identification of tools or models to allow energy transparency throughout the system stack and optimisation to reduce energy consumption.

Long term strategy aimed at gaining orders of magnitude in energy efficiency should be focused on finding new information processing devices and new information carriers. At the same time, with regards to mobile devices, it is necessary to bridge the gap between how much energy is required and how much is provided with energy harvesting techniques for powering small autonomous devices.


The opportunity

Whilst the direct contribution to CO2 emission from ICT devices might be small, ICT devices have the potential to contribute significantly to the reduction of CO2 in transportation, heating (through smart building control) and manufacturing (autonomous sensors). ICT devices in the form of autonomous sensors have the potential to significantly improve the quality of life of society both in Europe and across the whole world.  For autonomous systems, significant improvements in energy harvesting and energy storage at the small scale would also provide disruptive solutions to the use of smart sensors for a host of applications in personalised healthcare, environmental monitoring, industrial monitoring, security and transportation. Such applications have the potential for significant improvements in the quality of life and reductions in energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

In Europe, there is a wide community (identified as ICT Energy community) interested in these topics, covering ULSI, microarchitectures, high performance computing (HPC), energy harvesting, thermoelectrics, energy storage, ICT system design, embedded systems, efficient electronics, static analysis and the physics of computation.

While in US and Japan exist initiatives in the form of research centres and funding programs (see e.g. the E3S, Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science and the “Next Generation Nano-Micro Devices and Systems for Energy-Efficient Information Processing Division” of IIIEE as a part of social cooperation program with IBM Japan), Europe is still missing a focused effort in this field.

On May 6th  the ICT-Energy consortium is organizing a consultation workshop on energy consumption in ICT with the aim of addressing the needs, rationales and means to develop innovative approaches in this field, and verifying the coverage of the next European research programme compared with industrial needs, emerging technological trends and new scientific insights. We expect further indication to emerge from this workshop in order to inform and advice the European Commission on the strategic directions needed for efficient ICT research, development and innovation.

The ICT-Energy consortium includes the following laboratories and associated FET projects:


This contribution is part of the ICT-Energy Strategic Research Agenda (