eIDAS Private Sector Engagement High Level Event - eID: emerging business cases

  • Jerome ROCHE profile
    Jerome ROCHE
    25 March 2015 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Tuesday, 31 March, 2015 - 10:00 to 17:15

Public services are rapidly going digital. Citizens will be able to access public services in another EU member state using their eID issued by their own or even another member state. But it is not just about getting hold of public services more easily when you are in another country. It can also provide trust and security for business and their customers previously missing.

Some businesses need more than just a credit card in order to discharge responsibilities put on them. For example the financial sector with its anti-money laundering requirements. But it is not just about meeting requirements. Legal uncertainty and the lack of trust can inhibit action or entering into an agreement. The sharing economy, where greater certainty about the individual is desirable is just one example.

A key aspect of the eIDAS Regulation is that Member States are encouraged to allow and support cross border identity verification requests from businesses such as the ones mentioned above – and many more. This will benefit everybody whether it is because of greater efficiency and cost savings, growth or innovation on the business side and a better customer experience or greater access to services for the customer. This opening to and involvement of businesses is a real opportunity to do better and more. However, we need to do more ourselves (i.e. the European Commission and Member States) to bring the possibilities to the attention of the right folk (i.e. private sector businesses). We also need to work together to get the implementation right and realise the benefits.

It is against this background that we are organising the "eIDAS Private Sector Engagement High Level Event - eID: emerging business cases" on 31 March 2015 and the committment of the Commission is marked by the participation of Commissioner Oettinger, in charge of Digital Agenda & Society, who will give the opening and set the scene.

As a follow-up of our first private sector stakeholder event of November last year, we want and need to continue engaging with the private sector to support a permanent exchange and discussions which will help us identify the gaps and opportunities related to taking up eIDAS services in current and emerging business models and practices.

Help us understand your needs and priorities to reap full benefits of the eIDAS services, join the discussions. Please send us an e-mail to: CNECT-EIDAS-EVENTS@ec.europa.eu (Participation is subject to confirmation by the Commission).