Digital Single Market (EU Wide licensing)

  • Pasi Mattila profile
    Pasi Mattila
    25 July 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 1

EUROPEAN WIDE DIGITAL LICENSING: AUDIOVISUAL CONTENT (Games, apps, add-ons, e-books, movies, tv-shows, music, podcasts, social media content [e.g. YouTube videos], subtitles, dubs etc) ALL RULES APPLY TO ALL PARTIES WHENEVER EUROPEAN OR FOREIGN OPERATING IN EU Let's use games as an example: If I buy Physical PlayStation game (platform of choice but this time I use PlayStation as an example) from France or UK while living in Finland The physical disc will most certainly work but the optional add-ons from digital stores very likely won't work with Add-on bought in Finland PlayStation Store because the Finland PlayStation store only includes file that is compatible with the disc sold in the Nordics and you are scared to buy from abroad because you are afraid the DLC = Downloadable content might not be compatible with the French or UK version of the same game and you might end up paying twice the price just to double check it is compatible by buying it from local store. Solution: Digital stores have to give you files compatible for all versions (either like 10 times the same content each file compatible within its own version or one universal disc ''compatibility'' but texts and such on the box would be local) EU wide digital licensing of audiovisual content You should be able to have access to same content whenever in EU you are: EU Wide Digital licensing. -If you are abroad you should be able to watch YOUR local tv catchup services -EU wide licensing; for example Swedish Spotify would license songs EU wide instead of country by country and the catalog would be the same across EU and not alternate by country. - for example Over the top service provider Netflix would have same content across EU including the content itself and available subtitles and dubs; for example if movie is available with 25 subtitles and 5 dubs; all of these subtitles and dubs would be available across (of course the license of subtitle or dub would be needed but the license would be EU wide) So you could watch IL COMMISSARIO MONTALBANO with German audio with Finnish subtitles in Greece. Non-Exclusive licensing: Exclusive licensing would be forbidden because it could cause a requirement for consumer to acquire multiple services because of one particular content e.g. one tv show not being available in smaller service because bigger player has acquired exclusive rights and the smaller service is unable to buy rights to it because of this: without the exclusivity multiple players could buy the rights. Exclusivity could be only be sold if the company let's use Netflix as an example has paid at least 50% of the overall production costs this way players could fund production and thus acquiring exclusivity but not begin able to acquire exclusivity to 3rd party content and preventing both competition for companies and choice by consumers NOTE: the 50% of the production cost cannot be paid to acquire exclusivity post original distribution. Example: Netflix can get exclusive rights to House of Cards (TV Show) because they have paid 50%+ of the production cost and begin the first distributor but they cannot buy exclusive rights to Revenge (TV Show) because they are not the original distributor nor have paid 50% of the overall production costs conclusion: Over the top (OTT) Players would be competing with their content and cost & not by how many competitors can they stop from acquiring content. EU wide licensing would benefit both consumers and companies For new startups acquiring content would be a lot easier because there is no exclusivity deals by old big players begin made pre-this startup's era ALL DSM RULES APPLY TO ALL PARTIES WHENEVER EUROPEAN OR FOREIGN.