Orange: Digital Services Regulation

  • Vianney Hennes profile
    Vianney Hennes
    18 March 2015 - updated 4 years ago
    Total votes: 0
Year of publication: 

Consumers benefit from a large choice of communications services that can be provided either by a telecoms company or a pure internet provider; modalities associated with the technical implementation of these service should not be obvious nor of much interest for users, so long as these are delivered what they expect. However, as described in the present paper,  there are significant differences, which impact European consumers protection, as well as the health of the European digital industries on a longer term perspective. This is why the digital economy needs a clearer and safer environment, based on the withdrawal of obsolete regulations to be replaced by a modern framework that would lay the foundations for  a simpler, fairer marketplace where rules apply to all players and relate to the nature of a service - and not the means by which it is provided.